Monday, September 2, 2013

Daycare Fun

I'm still able to visit Graham over lunch to feed him, at least once a week or so. It's certainly getting more difficult with work getting busier, but I take advantage when I can. And I find myself snapping plenty of photos on my way out the door. Gets me through the afternoon until I can see him again! Here are a few recent ones of what he's been up to at daycare.

Sitting up strong in the Bumbo chair. One of those things we likely won't "bother with" for home, but he gets a little enjoyment out of it at daycare.

They called each other....

Still enjoying the pink goods there. 


 Playing on a new swivel, pedestal thing. 

Love his little baby wedgie. 

 Checking out his handsome self.

Practicing rolling over. He mostly rolls from his back to his tummy. And then quickly realizes he's on his tummy, which he's not a huge fan of. Still have to "rescue" him a bit from this position as he's not keen on rolling from tummy to back, through he has done it a few times.

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