Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Graham Growing with Brewery

It will be fun to look back someday and see how Graham has grown up alongside the brewery. And we're only at the beginning, but there has already been progress.

On the first day Aaron and crew brewed two batches of beer in one day (which means a 12+ hour day for dad), Graham and I were kind enough to bring him dinner. As you can see, G was pretty stoked about visiting daddy at the brewery.The equipment in the background wasn't always there...

Here's Graham at 2 weeks old in March. Facing that same area in the brewery (from a different angle).

And here's Graham fast asleep in April at about 4 weeks old. This was the BBQ for retailers to just show them the building. 

When the equipment arrived in May, Aaron showed his parents around while Graham chilled in his car seat.

And here we are with Graham at 5 and a half months (August 2013) at the opening "friends and family" night at the new temporary tap room.

A few candids of the boys...

Graham, did you know your daddy built that bar? Someday you'll be helping him... 

For now, Graham has been more interested in the beer glasses with Grandpa.

Plenty more progress and growth to come. But I wanted to get a few of these documented in one place for now.

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