Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Rest of August

For the rest of August, here's what we were up to.

A before work picture with mom. It's so hard to leave this happy guy Monday through Friday...

Starting to hold his (massive?) bottle on his own. 

Happy at daycare. 

Hard at work. 

We visited Mindy and Leif (and Titus) at the lake. Grandma Ange made Leif and Graham matching towels!

Nap time took place in my arms in the shade. No complaints from me on the bonus snuggles!

Yeah, I think he did just fine... 

Leif and Graham, checking each other out. 

Aaron and Grandpa Mike did some prep work for some landscaping we had done. A big job that  Graham and Mom were very appreciative of!  

Graham saying goodbye to one of the plants they pulled out. 

We hung out at Grandma and Grandpa's that afternoon and Graham got to check out some cool new toys, special for just Grandma's place. 

One tough little animal. Darn right.

Sleeping on his tummy sometimes. 

Family and friends night at the tap room.

The family portion of that description.

This is how Graham spent his first Bison game. In daddy's arms since it was past his bedtime and we were at the neighbor's since we don't get the fancy channel it was on. 

 Looking like a big boy in the swing at Grandma Ange's. He loves going back and forth in this!

I think this was the last time G donned these PJs. I had to take this picture as it struck me how long he seems to be getting.
Having fun with dad. 

We'll be back with September updates soon!

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