Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sitting Up

Graham is sitting up on his own and it is so fun to watch him discover his new point of view.

These pictures are from September 1. As you can see, he is quite proud of his new skill. 

Mostly he's just focused on his new toy. 

I snagged this "activity table" at a second hand store shortly before these picture were taken. At the time I didn't realize that the legs pop off to either prop like this (two legs on, two legs off) or lay flat on the floor. So I thought Graham would use it in a few months when he works on standing. But it's perfect for him now as he learns to sit and be entertained in his new position. 

The table is pretty cool. It counts and sings and even has a Spanish mode. I'm learning a thing or seven right along with him.

 Mom, I'm busy...

Pretty good posture, I must say. 

 Oh hi!

Working at his tool bench. This toy isn't bilingual, but we're still singing the alphabet and 1,2,3s every time we turn around.

Busy boy.


Just so happy with our new perspective on life! 

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