Wednesday, November 7, 2012

21 Weeks

Here we are at 21 weeks already! This picture was taken November 2, 2012 and Baby is the size of a pomegranate. Still feeling great!

This weekend Aaron and I went on an "Operation Baby" trip to the cities for the sole purpose of shopping slash planning for Baby. As a result, Baby is the proud new owner of his/her very own dresser and car seat, and mom and dad feel somewhat more prepared for what will happen in four short months. Buying the car seat was the more "wow this is real" purchase since dressers aren't too baby-specific. We found the car seat at "Babies 'R' Us" and we're very glad we explored the store. As the name indicates, the whole store is baby-focused ... someone described it me as "the mecca" of baby things and I couldn't agree more. So it was good for both of us to walk through and get an idea of big items that will be needed. Of course the store also provides plenty of opportunities to go overboard, but between help from staff and advice from friends, we feel decent about knowing what's needed and what isn't. Hence the purchase of a car seat ... a very necessary, practical, safety-focused item that we know we will need right away. 

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