Monday, October 29, 2012

Positive Doctor Appointment

Our 20 week appointment was this morning and all is still well with Baby Hill (or should I say Baby Bergill per the name of this Blog...). The heart rate is 148 which is normal and healthy for this point in the development. I am starting to feel some physical effects of being pregnant, i.e. back pain in various areas, so we talked to Dr. Dangerfield about that today and are assured all is normal and OK. Doesn't make it feel better, but at least it's nothing to be worried about.

Our next appointment is scheduled for November 26 and that will include our ultrasound, which we are very excited about, and also my 'gestational diabetes' screening, which we're less excited about. We've been warned it will be a long appointment, but also heard that having the ultrasound in between will actually help it go faster and give us something to look forward to in between the waiting that comes with the screening.

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