Monday, October 1, 2012

Bump Ahead

The Hills are expecting! To say we're excited is an understatement. In a few short months we'll meet our little one and attempt parenting. We feel incredibly fortunate to have the opportunity.

We found out I was pregnant on July 7, 2012 which was about 4 weeks along. I took a home pregnancy test and didn't really expect anything, but was pleasantly surprised to see the little + sign take shape. It was a Saturday and we had plans to go to a friend's lake that day, so we were forced to "muzzle ourselves" very quickly which was only the beginning of keeping one of the hardest secrets to keep for the next 8 weeks. We made it through that day and many others, me perfecting the art of holding a drink and passing to Aaron for consumption (it was summer after all).

A distinct memory of the day we found out I was pregnant was going to the grocery store and just kind of staring at everyone I met with the fascination that "they were born." Seems weird and of course incredibly obvious. But on the day I found out I had life growing inside me, I had a surreal fascination with "the miracle of life..." Cheesy but true.

The first person we let in on our exciting secret was Brianne's brother, Paul, at 7 weeks. It was earlier than we wanted to tell family, but it was more important to tell him in person before he flew back to Germany. We told Aaron's parents and Brianne's mom at 10 weeks and told dad and Jan at 11. With our ultrasound and first doctor's appointment scheduled for August 31 at 12 weeks, we were excited to hit the ground running telling friends and extended family once all was confirmed and healthy at the doctor. It's amazing how much you "hold your breath" in the early weeks of pregnancy and worry about what could go wrong...welcome to the next 18+ years of our lives, right?

At our 12 week appointment, we got to "meet" our little one for the first time. To others I'm sure this looks like a sad, blurry little picture. To us, it's the most beautiful thing we've ever seen.

An exciting revelation during the early weeks of pregnancy was learning of so many close friends who were also expecting and within 2 weeks of our due date! Emily Griffith - due March 1. Jeanine Larson - due March 19. Mindy Christianson - due April 2. Our due date is March 15, so I am in good company with these ladies.

The Bump Ahead picture was taken on August 19 (10 weeks) on our way home from a wedding in northern Minnesota. We kept our eyes peeled the whole trip north and back, and when we found this sign, we knew it was the perfect way to announce our news.

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