Wednesday, October 17, 2012

18 Weeks

18 weeks and starting to feel large and in charge. I'm sure I will scoff at that comment around, oh....35ish weeks when this will appear small. But definitely showing and hopefully it's obvious to others my swelling belly holds a baby. I've realized I should perhaps change up the outfits from tank top and cardigan in future pictures, as that is the only theme so far. But hey - it works and fits, and you realize quickly how comfort and feeling good are about as important as three meals a day. Oh, and Baby is the size of a sweet potato! Which is fitting since Aaron has started singing "You're my little Potato" (a Rockapella song) to Baby. We sing it to Big Sister Millie too, but I don't think the Baby minds sharing a tune with her. They will obviously be best friends in no time. 

P.S. I'm going to try to start posting these real time now... We've been playing a little catch up in these early weeks. This picture was taken October 12, 2012.


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