Friday, November 9, 2012

22 Weeks

22 weeks today! Since it seems I always have to comment on my wardrobe (it's a lot of pressure on picture day!), I believe this is the debut of an actual maternity shirt. I bought it before I was showing and now finally feel like my baby bump is legitimate enough to justify sporting it. I've learned one must transition into maternity pants much earlier than maternity shirts. Well, here we are now in both.

Baby is the size of a papaya and, according to this little write-up below, sprouting nipples! How exciting. Also exciting, he or see can hear and finds gentle music and my voice to be the best. Like the voting note below...I'm sure Baby won't always find my voice the greatest thing ever, so I will enjoy it while it lasts. I'm sure Baby knows dad's voice too since Aaron continues to talk directly to Baby in the belly. We're looking forward to soon being able to feel the kicks from the outside, meaning Aaron can get in on the fun!

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