Monday, November 26, 2012

24 Weeks

This picture was taken a couple days after the 24 week mark (Sunday, November 25). We intended to stay on track and take our picture while we were up north for Thanksgiving, but other more exciting activities distracted us from the task at hand. To note Baby's activities on the day he/she turned 24 weeks, Baby was helping me take pictures of dad (and uncle Eric and aunt Monica) jumping into a freezing cold lake. Yes, it was the annual "Banya Day" with Uncle Hoota and the gang on Long Lake outside of Virginia, MN. Mom spared Baby the extreme temperature shocks (hot sauna to cold lake and repeat) and I must say I was not too heartbroken. While I do enjoy the bragging rights that come with the day from other years, I was just fine taking a year off to keep Bergill Baby out of harm's way. The cabin was toasty warm while I waited to run out and take pictures!

Speaking of pictures, here is the cabin where we spent the day (note the fancy format thanks to Brianne's new iPhone).

And here's dad living it up. Rumor has it he jumped in 6 times this year! That has to be some kind of record. I'm all about once for the picture and done.

On to the regular weekly update, Baby is the size of a cantaloupe this week which to me is the first 'big' fruit we've been dealing with. A cantaloupe? Inside me? Oh boy....or girl. :) I'm also including the little picture of the baby (drawing) itself since it's fun to see that everything is developed at this point (at least from a naked eye visual standpoint ... the doctors would tell me he or she is far from done developing).

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