Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Feeling Kicks

Mark it! On November 16, 2012 both mom and dad felt Baby kick from the outside! What a cool feeling and I'm so glad Aaron finally got to get in on all the movement Baby makes. We had gone to the movie "Lincoln" on Friday night and then out for a little appetizer nightcap. When we got home I was sitting on the couch and felt Baby move (from the inside). Remembering that we were around the time the docs said feeling external movement would be possible I put my hand on my stomach ... just for kicks (har har). To my amazement, I felt a tiny little punch. Aaron was right there so we added his hand to the mix and within just a few seconds, Baby gave us a high five again! Aaron felt it again on Sunday and hopefully lots more will be coming. The trick of course is having your hand ready and in position  when Baby decides to make his/her move, which I have failed at being there for multiple times since feeling it for the first time. And Aaron is at even more of a disadvantage, but I'm sure as Baby gets bigger the kicks will be harder and harder to miss.

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