Monday, November 19, 2012

Lady to Baby ... Room

When I bought this house three years ago, one of the rooms I was most excited to have was what I affectionately referred to as "The Lady Room." It was my place for all my DIY projects and crafts. Well, now it will transition into a place for our best DIY Project yet...our baby! While I admit I'll miss the Lady Room, my excitement for the Baby Room overshadows that pretty easily.

Here is my beloved Lady Room before...

And here it begins its slow transition to Baby Room. Starting with, of course, the paint color.

Note the painted trim (the death of me for the months of September and October). Paint color is March Wind by Sherwin Williams. Those boxes contain Baby's IKEA dresser...stay tuned for details on that assembly project!

Here I am hard at work painting the second coat. I painted the weekend of November 10 and 11 while Aaron was reffing in Brainerd. Pay no attention to the fact that that is indeed the house's utility box in the middle of the room ... still brainstorming how we'll cover that from sight later in the process.

I also got the closet shelves figured out this weekend since Baby seems to be acquiring a plentiful assortment of gifts already! Now they have a home in Baby's room ... 

It looks a little like a toy shelf at a children's store.

Grandma Sue found this onesie she hopes we'll dress Baby in every day it fits ... :)

And we love this one from Brianne's boss ...

A big shout out and thank you to all the friends and family who are already stocking up Baby's closet. It's so fun to start having baby/kiddo things in the house!  

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