Saturday, August 10, 2013

New Toy

Graham got a new toy and he is pretty nuts about it.

Leave it to daycare to keep us on the up and up with the latest baby gear (ok, I don't think jumperoos are new, but daycare did recommend the one to get and little man is in pretty strong agreement with their suggestion).

Like all things baby, some assembly was required. Thanks, dad!

Here he is in the one at daycare, telling us he'd sure like it if mom and dad had one of these for him at home. 

Can't say no to that face. 

Getting a little spoiled. Baby takeover in progress. 

Worth every penny. 

Videos are on the fritz for posting to the blog. Those are better than pictures for demonstrating his love for this new toy.

And I'm behind on posts -- this actually arrived just in time for his 4 month birthday. Has been perfect to use right away, though we put a pillow under his feet the first few times.  It took about a week for the pillow to be gone and for him to be going crazy with it.

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