Wednesday, August 28, 2013

First Fever

Graham got his first fever on July 31. And wouldn't you know it, it coincided with mama's first night away.

I went to Des Moines for work July 31. While boarding the plane from Minneapolis to Des Moines at 10 a.m., Aaron called to tell me Graham was being sent home from daycare with a fever of 101.5.

Not fun news to hear. Of course all I wanted to do was be home and hold him and help him feel better....and make sure he was ok.

But luckily Grandma Sue was able to come over and watch him. And luckily I was only gone one night.

Graham got all the snuggles he needed from Grandma.


And she kept me posted on how he was doing. He still played and did pretty well as he started to feel better.

I got home late Thursday night and brought him to the doctor Friday morning. By then the fever was gone. Doctor prescribed some ear drops to help with ear pain as she detected he had some fluid in his ears (but not an ear infection, thank goodness).

Not an ideal situation to have to be gone through all of that, but some consoling words from mama friends, a Grandma in town to snuggle him, and a daddy that took good care while I was away made it bearable.

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