Monday, August 12, 2013

Early July

A few snaps from early July.

Busted with some thumb sucking.


Visits to the brewery (dad's "fancy" new office). Graham was a little bored by it....

Go Cobbers! (blanket was snagged from Grandma Ange's place. It's what mom and Uncle Paul and Uncle Eric played on as bambinos too).

We love our toys. 

Can't get enough of ourselves in the mirror. Don't blame him...

Hanging out with Grandma Mike. 

We like our moose toy! 

Profile shot. 

So strong. 

Up close. 

Flexing for the ladies. 

So curious. 

Propped up. 

Enjoying the new perspective. 

I learn best if I taste it... 

 Until next time...

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