Tuesday, January 1, 2013

28 Weeks

This picture is at 28 weeks and was taken while we were visiting Uncle Derek and Aunt Tina in Phoenix. More on that trip in another post.

Baby is the size of a eggplant and I believe it! I'm feeling bigger all the time, feeling (and seeing!)Baby move lots, and realizing the impact of all the real estate he or she is taking up inside me. Not to be negative, but in the "complaints corner" Baby is squishing a few things inside which makes things uncomfortable. Specifically, Baby is pressing against a nerve next to my right kidney which makes sitting pretty uncomfortable. I feel 100% fine when lying down (which means sleep is still possible and I'm oh-so-grateful for that), but the sitting thing gets difficult. Standing is sometimes ok, sometimes a little uncomfortable. I'm figuring out how to deal with it though since it will be a long 12 weeks ahead if I don't. All things considered, it's nothing horrible. We're all still healthy and moving along. This is all in the "to be expected" category.

From the picture below we see that Baby is filling out more ... not quite as scrawny of a Baby as seen in previous weeks.


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