Monday, December 17, 2012

Boring Dr. Appointment

We had a boring doctor appointment today but this is where boring is a good thing. The appointment lasted all of 5 minutes and everything is right on track. So yes - boring it was but we are just fine if not thankful for that.

Actually, wait - there was one exciting thing from today's appointment. I gained no weight between our last appointment and this one! This is exciting because it's possible I may have tipped the scales a tad more than appreciated by the medical professionals at our last appointment, but let's remember that that was the Monday after Thanksgiving. I blame/credit my Aunt Jeanette's delicious homemade wild rice stuffing for that one. Seconds? Yes please. Leftovers? Don't mind if I do. Well Dr. No Fun thought there was perhaps a smidge of sodium in my Thanksgiving menu so he let me off the hook last time as long as I didn't double it for this December appointment. Since I didn't - boring and on track we remain.

So overall everything from heartbeat to belly measurements are right on. Heart rate was strong and in the 140s. We even got the green light to fly to Phoenix on Saturday. Good thing since we already booked the tickets anticipating no issues. But it still feels good to have the doc know what we're up to and be ok with it.

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