Sunday, December 2, 2012

25 Weeks

25 weeks along and putting the bump out there loud and proud with this floral shirt. If a camera adds 10 pounds, I think this camera also added about 10 more colors and made them 10 shades darker. Whew! Busy shirt. But it was a bargain, so it will work for my growing tummy.

Moving on, Baby is the size of a cauliflower. I'm kind of in awe of that comparison again (like the cantaloupe last week), but I guess I shouldn't be surprised that Baby isn't getting any smaller. I'm including the picture of the Baby drawing again since these are becoming more fun to see. Baby is growing more fat (it's the Holidays after all!) and also hair. So I'm guessing our little hypothesis that the ultrasound was showing hair last week was probably wrong. Oops and oh well!

Also on the size of Baby, it was kind of eye opening during the ultrasound last week to grasp the range of space he/she is already occupying inside me. When the tech was looking at Baby's feet, the wand thing was way down by my right hip. Then to view the Baby's face, she moved the wand waaay up the other side of my body to just under my ribs. I know I'm stating such obvious things, but it was surreal to witness how much Baby has already grown and some days it still just doesn't seem real. But I guess all I have to do is try to button a regular pair of pants and I am quickly reminded of just how real this is!

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