Sunday, December 16, 2012

Seeing Movement

I'm delayed in posting this milestone, but at about 25 weeks I started seeing Baby move! As if feeling movement isn't crazy enough, now we can see little ripples flutter across my stomach when Baby gets restless. Unlike the anticipation that lead to feeling movement, I actually did not know this was about to start happening/being possible. (I must be slacking on my pregnancy books!)

It happened while I was sitting at home and Aaron was at class. As I was sitting there I kind of noticed something rustle on my shirt out of the corner (or bottom half?) of my eye. Looking down I started seeing little ripples move across my stomach at the same time I was feeling Baby move. Wow!! What a fun thing to witness. Aaron has seen it now too and he agrees it's pretty cool. It doesn't happen every time Baby moves but I continue to catch it unexpectedly and then get a little bit of a show for a few seconds.

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