Tuesday, January 8, 2013

30 Weeks

30 weeks and it's kind of like turning 30 years old. The fun and games of our 20s are over and it's time to get serious! If I'm being honest, I admit I'm making a little transition from 100% excited to about 50% excited, 50% nervous. Scared. Anxious. Apprehensive. Ok, terrified.

I'm nervous for labor itself and nervous for how different our lives are going to be. Don't get me wrong - we want this and we really can't wait to meet Baby Bergill. It's just all the unknowns that are ahead. In mentioning my apprehension to friends they all just smile and assure me my feelings are perfectly normal. So at least I don't feel like I have to turn in my mom-of-the-year award quite yet. Thank goodness for understanding friends!

Speaking of understanding friends, here's Mindy and me after a day of baby shopping in Fargo. She is due April 2 and she came up on New Year's Eve day to shop for fabric for her nursery and a few other baby things. It was different than our shopping outings of the past in that the products we were looking for included strollers and bouncy chairs, the conversation centered on comparing back pain notes, and the coffee was decaf. But how awesome to get to share it all with a great friend I've had since kindergarten!

Back to how Baby is doing at 30 weeks, he or she is the size of cucumber and moving lots! I think I am going to miss feeling these little baby movements once Baby is here. 

Baby weighs between 2.5 and 3.8 pounds and is strong enough to grasp a finger!

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