Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Babymoon in Phoenix

When Aaron's parents returned from visiting Derek and Tina in Phoenix shortly after Thanksgiving this year, we started talking about how "we should get down there to visit sometime too..." It took about 5 seconds for us to realize that if we didn't go soon ... as in like now ... it would be quite some time before we would get there. And whether we travel with Baby or without in the future, it would never be the same.  So without too much planning or hesitation, we booked our tickets and headed to Phoenix for a visit to Uncle Derek and Aunt Tina that we decided would also pass as a "Babymoon" before Bergill arrives.

We're so glad we made the trip! It was great to get away and even if temps were only in the 40s to 60s, that was 40 to 60+ degrees warmer than North Dakota.

Here's Aaron taking advantage of some "The Expectant Father" reading time on the plane.

Our trip was Saturday, December 22 through Thursday, December 27. On Sunday we watched the Packers game at Derek and Tina's with family and friends' of theirs. Then we went for a little stroll in their neighborhood where we got a glimpse of what Christmas in Arizona was going to be like. Not quite the white Christmases like home.

Sunday night the four of us ventured out to a couple of breweries that Aaron wanted to visit. Even sans beer for me, it was lots of fun! We visited Four Peaks Brewing Company where we ate dinner and then also headed to SanTan Brewing Company.

Aaron, Derek and Tina enjoying a tasty beer at SanTan. They served gingersnaps with one of the beers so at least I got to get in on that fun!

Even though it wasn't too warm, we were sitting at the outdoor bar/patio. We may have been hovering under the heater/lantern thingys, but we'll take it!

On Monday (Christmas Eve day) Aaron and I made a little day trip to Sedona to see the red rock and do some touristy things. It was definitely a stretch from our usual Christmas Eve traditions, but this was the year to get away with that. Next year will be Baby's First Christmas and we'll be back on the tradition wagon with enthusiasm.

Here we are outside of the Chapel in Sedona. We also visited the old mining town of Jerome, went on a little hike and had dinner at Dahl and Diluca.

The hike was nothing too steep or strenuous since I'm not exactly in peak physical condition and a slip or bump of any kind wouldn't be worth it. But it was still beautiful.

Tuesday was Christmas Day and we lounged around most of the morning. Aunt Tina (who won us the Baby Giveaway) delivered once again and this time with home-sewn Christmas gifts for Baby! I'm completely amazed at what the woman can whip up. Left to right is a baby blanket/quilt (with the cozy material on the back that I would like to start seeing on adult-sized blankets), burp cloths, little bags with a nylon inside for transporting the many little things that Baby will acquire, and a car seat cover. I love the customized thought that went into all of these! The green is not an accident as Tina knows how much I love the color (from our wedding) and the design of lots of these items has been tweaked and perfected based on previous creations and input from her friends. We absolutely LOVE every single item and so appreciate the thoughtfulness she put into everything. We can't say it enough - THANK YOU Tina!! Baby is already lucky to have you in his/her life.

Christmas night Tina's family came over for homemade tacos (my kind of Christmas!) and a White Elephant gift exchange. We fell in love with D and T's pup, Lambeau as seen here with one of the many belly rubs we weren't shy about giving him.  

On Wednesday Derek took us to South Mountain for some more sightseeing and hiking. Thankfully the rattlesnakes were hibernating this time of year. Eek!!

Wednesday night we relaxed at home with Derek and Tina and watched a couple of movies. Thursday it was time to head home. Here we are sitting in the outdoor waiting area at the Mesa airport. Odd we don't have these at airports around home.

So there's our Babymoon. Next time we travel we will either have a baby in tow or will be missing our baby terribly. (I can say that with confidence since we're the people that miss our dog after being away for a day). Thank you to Derek and Tina for hosting this fun and relaxing trip! Can't wait to visit again!

1 comment:

  1. Love that I made the Bergill Baby Blog again! We're both so glad you were able to make the trip to Phoenix and enjoyed spending time with both of you. Can't wait to meet baby in a few months and it looks like you may just have to come back out to Phoenix, with baby in tow, come October!
