Sunday, January 20, 2013

Color me Happy

Baby's room finally has a little color, thanks to getting busy with some DIY.

I made the valence out of foam core board, duct tape, staples, fabric and some batting and I am quite pleased with the results.

I can't technically credit Pinterest ... I just found a tutorial online. But I like that it's pretty simple to put together and can be customized to any width of window. Window treatments for this room were tricky since there is a ledge right beneath the window and electric heat below that. So full length curtains were out. In order to keep it safe but still add some color, this valence is perfect!

Aaron always gets the glory in DIY action shots since I am the one who takes them. Well, now I'm the loser who posed for a self-timer picture while cutting the foam core to prove I really did make this myself. Millie is obviously a witness! 


But after I got it all stapled together, I flipped it over and ... oops ... the duct tape lines were visible!

So back to JoAnn's Fabric I went and bought some darker orange fabric to add to the mix and keep the tape from showing through.

That did the trick so I finished it up by hot gluing some "D Hooks" to the back in order to hang it.

So there she be! The bonus of this valence is that it hides a few of our "sins" from the blind installation. I'm not even going to mention what they are because now that they're out of sight they are out of mind and I'm going to tell myself they don't even exist!

I'm glad Baby's room finally has a splash of color. Lots more to come as the room evolves!

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