Thursday, January 10, 2013

30 Week Doctor Appointment

On Wednesday, January 9 I had my 30 week appointment. Again, all is healthy and on track. I complained about my back pain near my kidney, the sharp muscular pains I woke up with a couple weeks ago, and a recent bathroom episode that I'll spare this Blog the details on. The point is that I complained; Dangerfield responded with the scientific reasons why everything was happening. I didn't understand most of his fancy medical lingo but the gist is this - I'm pregnant! And I'm supposed to be uncomfortable sometimes. So he's off my list for who I look to for sympathy. That's what pregnant girlfriends and husbands are for. Doctors? Apparently they just need to know if you're going into labor. If you're not ... buck up and carry on.

The fun thing about the appointment was that Dangerfield was able to tell me what position Baby was in. Bergill was hanging out in kind of an L shape as the head was down, the rump was under my left ribs and the legs/feet were under my right ribs. That's probably changed by today, but that's how Baby decided to spend yesterday morning.

Heart rate was in the 130s which is the lowest it has been so far. I think it started at 178 at 12 weeks so it's fun to see how the heart rate gets lower as the Baby gets bigger.

From here we start appointments every 2 weeks. That is a milestone in itself! I sound like a broken record but time is going to fly. Next appointment is January 23.

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