Monday, February 11, 2013

Baby Shower!

On February 2, my dear friends Erin, Jeanine, Abby and Kris threw Bergill and me a really fun, sweet and beautiful baby shower!

The theme was "Milk and Cookies" and we had cookies of every kind (and in mass quantities) cookie fruit pizza, cookie cupcakes, Mimosas (for the guests; Bergill and I refrained) and then of course ... milk! The spread looked like it was plucked from a magazine. Everything coordinated and was beautifully displayed. My friends should do this professionally! 

 And we need close-ups too... 

Love these old fashioned bottles and the straws for the milk!

Even the banner over the fireplace had cookies in it!

After consuming our weekly quota of cookies the hostesses arranged for a little activity. Everyone filled out a card with wishes for Baby Hill and advice and tips for Mama Hill. We went around the room for everyone to share a little something from their card and, from serious to silly, it was great to hear everyone's wishes and advice! Advice ranged from, "sleep when Baby sleeps," and "go to Target sans Baby once in awhile" to "remember that even teenagers raise babies" and "remember to keep time with your girlfriends." Wishes for Baby Hill included things like:
  • be happy and healthy
  • be a good sleeper
  • get mom and dad's teeth :)
  • get mom's sense of humor :)
  • have great friends
  • love your parents
What great advice and wishes for Baby. We will treasure these forever!

Then it was time to open gifts. Bergill is already spoiled by so many special people! 

Grandma Ange surprised me by completing "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" quilt in time for Baby's arrival. This will accompany the book by Eric Carle and will be a favorite of Bergill's, I'm sure!

And I wasn't the only expectant mama there. Left to right is Erin Westby, due with Baby #3 on June 1; Mindy Christianson, due with Baby #1 on April 2; Jeanine Larson, due with Baby #2 on March 19; and me, due with Baby #1 on March 15!

Then it was time to pack up the car and get home to put away all of Baby's new treasures! 

And I was so in awe of everything that I had to set it all out at home and take a picture before putting it away. The putting away process was nesting at its finest.

I'm still completely overwhelmed and humbled by everyone's generosity. We are so blessed and appreciate everything from everyone! Thanks to all who made it to the shower and a very special thanks to Kris, Abby, Erin and Jeanine for planning such a special shower for us! I'll make sure Bergill mows your lawn or something when he or she is old enough.

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