Thursday, February 7, 2013

34 Weeks

At 34 weeks, Baby is the size of a butternut squash which is fitting because I think "squash" is an accurate description for how most of my body feels these days. My newest ailment (and not that I want to complain but I DO want to document these things so I remember them someday...) is a squashed feeling under my right rib. It transitions from sometimes sharp pain, depending on what position I'm in, to actually feeling kind of numb which is weird. As usual ... it's nothing to worry about but is yet another, "yep, I'm pregnant" kind of feelings. And it should go without saying these days that my bladder also feels squashed. Duh ... 4 trips to the bathroom per night? Soon enough I'll be up that much for Baby feedings.

I'm cruising along in my pre-baby reading, trying to soak in the last of what I need to know for delivery while re-prioritizing for when Baby is actually here and, this just in, we have to take care of a human! From breast feeding to sleeping to bathing, there's a lot to study up on and while I know we will figure it all out in stride, I'm doing my best to be educated in advance. Kind of wish I'd started on these chapters months ago, but I guess I had other things on my mind at that time.

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