Friday, February 15, 2013

36 Weeks

36 Weeks! I've been saying we're in the home stretch for a while, but now we're reallly in the home stretch. People have started saying things like, "could be any time..." which is both exciting and crazy.

Yesterday was Valentine's Day and even though Aaron spent the evening reffing and I spent the evening home in sweat pants, he was kind enough to send this beautiful bouquet to the office. Even Baby Hill and Millie contributed to this little gift. The card reads:

"Mom, We hope you have a great day and we love you so much! Baby Hill says he/she will see you soon. Will you be our Valentine? Love, Baby Hill, Mildred and Dad"

Sweet, huh? Thanks Aaron, Millie and Baby for sprucing up my desk and sending some love! To answer your question, YES, of course I'll be your Valentine ... all of yours.

Back to the Baby update, Baby is the size of a honeydew, according to my usual updates, but I kind of like the update I just saw on my iPad app that says Baby is the size of a bowling ball. Oh, how I believe it. The app also says that Baby's kicks feel more like a sliding motion and I would say that's an accurate description. It is also SO VISIBLE when Baby moves and I sometimes wonder while I'm sitting at my desk and someone is talking to me if they notice. No one has said anything, but I know if they paid a little bit of attention, they would see Baby making his/her moves all across my stomach.

Even though full term isn't technically considered reached until next week at 37 weeks, the nurse at Lamaze last weekend talked about how 35 weeks is pretty safe. And I certainly know other babies born long before 35 that are healthy and doing great. So it's really awesome to know we're "pretty much there" as far as Baby being OK to thrive in the real world. Now it's just a matter of when he/she decides to meet us. It's so crazy that it could be tomorrow or 6 weeks from now. That seems like an awfully long range of possibilities to try to anticipate. But I guess this won't be the first time Baby gives us a taste of surprises!

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