Saturday, October 19, 2013

Multiple Milestones

Oh hi! Graham has been busy achieving new and exciting milestones. Until one of them includes keeping up on his own baby blog, we're going to get a little behind from time to time. :)

First Solids: September 11, 2013. He had runny oatmeal and thought it was great. I hope the video plays. If not, then I guess you're spared me sing songing "that's different!" 14 times while spooning the soupy oatmeal into his mouth.

 Just trust me when I say - he liked it.

First Bison Game: On September 7, Graham and I ventured to the home opener Bison football game with friends Jamie and Krew. Krew and Graham go to daycare together and enjoyed getting to hang out on a Saturday. The indoor game was LOUD and we had a few minor freak-outs which were totally justified. It would be nice if the Bison didn't score so often since cannons fire each time they do. But just when we were about to leave and get home to the quiet he fell asleep in my arms.

First stroller ride without the car seat: On September 24 we ventured out as a big boy in the stroller. I think he enjoyed the new perspective!

First car: Grandpa and Jan came to visit Graham on September 23. And it wouldn't be a visit from grandparents if there wasn't some unnecessary spoiling going on. Graham got his first car! It doesn't move very fast (at all) but he sure enjoys putting his new sitting up skills to use in this baby.

Grandpa showing him how to go fast.


I hope this focus continues when he drives for real. Safety first! 

 Graham says THANKS! for the fun, new toy.

First sweet potatoes: On September 26 Graham enjoyed his first vegetable. Sweet potatoes from mama's oven.

These seem to be his favorite overall. We've since also tried carrots, green beans, avocados and squash -- all homemade -- which is oh so easy (and cheap) with the help of our little Ninja blender.

We've also transitioned to "big boy" pacifiers, are allowed to sleep with a loose blanket, we eat cereal, vegetables from home and "puffs" at daycare, drink water from a sippy cup and had our first plane ride. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

Here are a few other snaps from September.

When it started to get chilly, mom busted out my zip-ups.

Dad got home just in time to play a little before bedtime. 

 We played with Leif and Mindy.


The toy basket has arrived. 

 Leif's hair is so cool. I want to play with it please.

We napped on a big boy bed while at Trevor and Katie's

 Falling asleep with mom.

 Sometimes I suck my thumb.

Playing with my friends Peyton and Declan at breastfeeding class/group.

 Big boy.

And here's my new wall art at work. This is the 3 to 6 month version and I absolutely love peeking at all his expressions throughout the day. 

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