Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Our Little Pumpkin

In late September we took young Graham to the Fall Festival at "Reault Farm" across the street from our house.

It wouldn't be fall without pumpkins. And it wouldn't be a Bergill Baby blog post without 78 pictures I couldn't choose between.  Hang on tight.

 This looks interesting...

Wait, no, I don't like the stems.

We met up with our friend Declan and naturally had to get a few snaps of the boys together. 

The boys weren't real interested in the camera and were more fascinated with the new texture of straw. Which was fine...

Until we tipped over and ate some of it.

We recovered for a family shot.

And checked out the goats.

Next year we'll chase him around as he takes in all the fun activities for kids. All we have to do is blink and that will be here.

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