Saturday, January 19, 2013

Crib = Baby's Room

Our crib is assembled and our little baby room actually looks like a baby's room now!

Next to our unborn child, I think I'm in love with this the most.

She is simple, white, sturdy and the perfect height. Here's a trifecta of angles. How bad am I going to be when there's a baby in there if I can't stop taking pictures of an empty crib.??

We assembled it on Sunday (January 13) and I have to thank bad weather (which cancelled some Aaron's basketball games for the weekend) for Aaron having time to tackle it. Here's the disaster we unwrapped. Styrofoam everywhere!

But I'm not complaining because it was really simple to put together. (Even Aaron would vouch for that). Literally five pieces - four sides and a bottom. 

When Aaron saw this assembly kit, he knew it was a good sign. So simple!

10 minutes into the process and we're almost done ...

Completed! This changed up the arrangement of the room with the crib now residing where the dresser was before. We are limited in our arrangement options (this stuff fills up a room fast!), but we know the crib's placement is the most crucial for safety and we want it free from any danger zones. So on a big open wall it sits!

We're thankful to Grandma and Grandpa Hill for gifting us this crib ... I think it was the first thing they said they wanted to do for us when we told them we were expecting! Baby Bergill will stay safe and sleepy in this lovely crib for years to come ... not to mention any little brothers or sisters that will use it in the future too. But it's too soon to talk about that...

For now - thank you G & G Hill for Baby's crib! Thank you Aaron for assembling it! And thank you Pottery Barn for making a crib that is classic, quality, and easy to assemble!

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