Friday, January 25, 2013

33 Weeks

33 weeks and sporting my snazzy new maternity shirt from Motherhood Maternity. I had thought I could make it to the end with what I had, but, well, some of my "non-maternity but bigger and longer" things just weren't working as well anymore. And Motherhood came out with their spring line ... how's a pregnant lady to resist!? Picture was taken January 25.

At 33 weeks we're definitely in the home stretch and things got even more real last night when we attended our first childbirth class. "Labor and What to Expect" at Sanford was GREAT and we're both really glad we went. The nurse who taught the class was one of those people you just want to take home with you. Nicest lady ever and she seemed genuinely excited for all of us expecting couples. She answered questions we had - and questions we didn't even know we had - which eased both of our minds even more. Class included a video (yikes, but you gotta see it!) and a tour of the labor and childbirth floor. That part was of course great because it was nice to be able to see the rooms and the tools that might come out on D-Day. Prior to the class I think I had visions of some sort of torture chamber with people screaming everywhere. You won't believe it, but that's actually not how it is! Rooms are comfortable, tools aren't scary, and I heard no screaming. Breathing easier every day ...

This week Baby is the size of a durian. (Seriously? What is that?! These comparisons are getting weirder.) Anyway, he or she weighs about 4 pounds (wow!) and measures about 17.2 to 18.7 inches

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