Thursday, January 3, 2013

29 Weeks

At 29 weeks Baby and I were on vacation and chillaxing at home. This picture was taken December 28, 2012 and it was during the week our offices were closed so we're rocking sweats and a comfy jacket as opposed to the typical pre-work morning outfits.

Baby is the size of an acorn squash ... whatever that is ... and weighs between 2.5 and 3.8 pounds. 

Baby continues to move lots and I notice he/she is most active when I lay down at night. While the movements are getting stronger, they're not so big yet that they make me uncomfortable and keep me awake. I still get excited to feel Baby move and it's even cooler when I catch a glimpse of it visually. Nighttime is about the only time Aaron gets to get in on the movement since it's pretty much guaranteed that one movement will follow the other. At other points during the day when Baby moves and I let Aaron know, Baby settles down as soon as Aaron's hand is in position. And when his patience quickly wears out and he removes his hand ... Baby moves again. Happens all.the.time. and we think Baby can sense our anticipation and plays tricks on us on purpose. Soon enough Aaron will have his hands full with Baby and the shyness will be gone. That much I'm sure of!

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