Saturday, April 6, 2013

Weeks 3 and 4 (March 25 - April 6)

Graham is growing and changing every day. Even in these two weeks of pictures, I can see changes. He is also going on all sorts of adventures! On March 26, we visited Daddy at the brewery. After feeding him, I enjoyed my first Porter on tap!

He enjoyed another bath with his cool new towel...

And some lounging around.

Then Graham got to meet his new friend, Peyton Larson. Due 4 days apart (G = March 15; P = March 19) and born two weeks apart (G = March 10 and P = March 26), these two will be best friends in no time!

The little man enjoyed some swinging... 

Some visits from Grandma Ange and Aunt Robyn

Other visitors to the house since being home include: 

John and Andrea Lillestol
Mindy and Titus Christianson
Brandie Strieff
Amber DeKrey
Matt and Erin Welle
Kris Lindemann
Aunt Cheryl Miller
Emily Gess
Lindsay Koffler
Abby Barber Burgum
Erin Westby
Randy and Marilee Johnson
Tyler Bosch
Mary Seiffert
Amie Fortier
Laura and Teddy Owens

Here's Graham and mama enjoying some quality time together.

And more snuggles with mom .. "insta-Graham" style. :)

Our big boy has officially transitioned to his 3 month clothes.

And has to wear mittens now since he started scratching his face. 

Graham and I have gotten more adventurous, going on multiple trips to the gym, mall, Target, Scheels and more. He does great in his car seat and in the car, so it works out well for both of us. Mama gets out of the house and Graham gets some quality rest in.

Since I don't yet really know how to use our stroller, and I hadn't realized that the mall rents out little car seat carriers/strollers, we rolled around the mall in this sweet Sears cart on our first trip there while I was having my tires rotated and oil changed. I'm sure the passerbys in the mall were very impressed... 

On Saturday the 30th, we went over to Grandma and Grandpa Hills for a little pre-Easter celebration. As you can see, it was Graham's request to get away from home and over to Grandma's.

And this was the welcoming committee. They couldn't take their eyes off of him from the moment we arrived. 

Aunt Chelsey got some quality time in with the little guy. 

And so did Grandma... 

Then Sunday was Graham's first Easter. He did great at church and then slept his way through most of the afternoon at Grandma Ange's. Uncle Eric kept him good company on the floor. 

Family picture. 

We think he looked pretty cute in his Easter bibs. 

Sunday was also the day Graham turned 3 weeks old which meant we were ready to start on a bottle with dad. He took it like a champ! 

On Wednesday, April 3, Grandma Sue came over to watch Graham while I got a hair cut and color. I'm not sure who appreciated it more. Me for getting to get out of the house for some quick mommy time, or Grandma for getting almost 3 uninterrupted hours alone with Graham.

This next picture is my current favorite of the little guy. I actually think he looks a tad like Uncle Paul in this picture. So grown up in his track jacket! 

Looking the part, we of course went for a walk at Family Wellness that evening. 

The other milestone of this week is the first crack at daytime naps in the crib. Soon enough, he will have to transition out of our room and I figured I'd do a lot better putting him in his room (downstairs away from us) if night time wasn't his first rodeo in the crib.

He did really well in the crib. And I got used to watching him through the video monitor. This particular time dad was home in the evening and helped with rocking him back to sleep ...

And this picture shows just how little space he takes up in the crib. I know I'll look back at this picture in awe someday soon. 

Here's what waking up for a diaper change and feeding looks like. 

And here's some more daytime rest upstairs on the lounger. 

 Mom needs daytime rest too ... we're both loving the rocker downstairs for that.

Not sure if we were attempting some tummy time here or what... whatever we were doing, Graham was more interested in a nap. 

And on Friday, April 5, our "Moby Wrap" arrived in the mail. We are already loving it! Thank you to Emily G in Maine for the tip on this great product. Graham seems to like it and I feel like I'm going to be able to get a few more things done now ... like maybe vacuuming ... with this hands free way to still hold and bond with little Graham. He gets his most fussy in the evenings and this worked great last night for calming him down and helping him fall asleep. Then he can stay sleeping right next to me throughout the evening. It was awesome.

Putting it on sort of made me feel (and look) pregnant again though... 

Even Aaron is trying it out. Real men wear babies! 

Graham turns 4 weeks tomorrow (April 7). Then one month already on Wednesday. I will try to keep the pictures coming!

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