Saturday, March 2, 2013

38 Weeks

It's March and that means we're going to meet our Baby this month! Picture was taken March 1 and we are 38 weeks.

We are not anticipating that Baby will come early ... but you still never know. We had an appointment on Tuesday, February 26 and there was no progress which Dangerfield told us was of course as to be expected. He also told us Baby had switched sides. Head is still down, but Baby used to curl up along my left side and is now along my right side. He asked if that had relieved any pain or pressure on the one side. Umm, no. Everything still feels squished. Not worse, but not better. Just being honest!

Our next appointment is Tuesday, March 5. If I had to guess, I think Baby will arrive somewhere between March 18 and 20 after the March 15 due date.That's purely a guess - not based on anything overly factual.

I'm finally starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel at work, wrapping up the critical things that need to be done. Still plenty to keep me occupied until D Day, but I'm not quite as stressed as before. I will say though - two weeks until the due date was not the best time to talk to my brother living in Germany with an expectant wife and hear all about the laws there. While I've of course always been jealous of the Europeans' philosophy on work/life balance and their long (year+) maternity leaves, hearing from Paul today that pregnant women are restricted from working 6 weeks prior to their due date was not exactly music to my ears. Ugh - that sounds so nice right now! So I threw myself a 5 minute pity party on that front. But then I reminded myself that I'm fortunate to get the time I do get, fortunate to have a supportive network of friends, family and co-workers, and fortunate to get to bring a Baby into this world at all. So ... pity has ceased. But that doesn't mean I'd rather work in sweatpants while lying on my side at this point!

Anywho - in non-Baby-specific news - somebody turned the big 3-0 this week! Yes, our child will never know parents in their 20s as Aaron turned 30 on February 28. Admittedly, we were glad that Baby won't have to share his/her birthday with his/her dad which we've realized was a possibility all along with a mid-March due date.

We enjoyed a night out at Monte's in downtown Fargo to celebrate the big day and also kind of recognized it as our "Babymoon Meal" in that these relaxing evenings at "fancy" restaurants won't happen as often (not that they're that often now...) or as easily from here on out. But I think we're both looking forward to nights at home with spit-up and chaos too.  

Back to Baby - there is a pumpkin inside of me!! No wonder I can't bend over without pain or walk up the stairs without getting winded. As much as I have enjoyed being pregnant and have had a healthy and safe experience, I am certainly getting to the point where I'd like to "have my body back." I miss the simple things like putting on my shoes without a production and sleeping on my stomach, to name a few. It won't be long now though!  

And this note below mentions how Baby could have up to an inch of hair. I guess I haven't thought too much about that ... I wonder if Baby will be a baldy or have a full mop. I haven't had any heartburn, which I hear happens when your Baby is growing hair, so if I had to guess, I'd lean towards baldy. We'll find out soon enough!

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