Monday, December 17, 2012

Boring Dr. Appointment

We had a boring doctor appointment today but this is where boring is a good thing. The appointment lasted all of 5 minutes and everything is right on track. So yes - boring it was but we are just fine if not thankful for that.

Actually, wait - there was one exciting thing from today's appointment. I gained no weight between our last appointment and this one! This is exciting because it's possible I may have tipped the scales a tad more than appreciated by the medical professionals at our last appointment, but let's remember that that was the Monday after Thanksgiving. I blame/credit my Aunt Jeanette's delicious homemade wild rice stuffing for that one. Seconds? Yes please. Leftovers? Don't mind if I do. Well Dr. No Fun thought there was perhaps a smidge of sodium in my Thanksgiving menu so he let me off the hook last time as long as I didn't double it for this December appointment. Since I didn't - boring and on track we remain.

So overall everything from heartbeat to belly measurements are right on. Heart rate was strong and in the 140s. We even got the green light to fly to Phoenix on Saturday. Good thing since we already booked the tickets anticipating no issues. But it still feels good to have the doc know what we're up to and be ok with it.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Seeing Movement

I'm delayed in posting this milestone, but at about 25 weeks I started seeing Baby move! As if feeling movement isn't crazy enough, now we can see little ripples flutter across my stomach when Baby gets restless. Unlike the anticipation that lead to feeling movement, I actually did not know this was about to start happening/being possible. (I must be slacking on my pregnancy books!)

It happened while I was sitting at home and Aaron was at class. As I was sitting there I kind of noticed something rustle on my shirt out of the corner (or bottom half?) of my eye. Looking down I started seeing little ripples move across my stomach at the same time I was feeling Baby move. Wow!! What a fun thing to witness. Aaron has seen it now too and he agrees it's pretty cool. It doesn't happen every time Baby moves but I continue to catch it unexpectedly and then get a little bit of a show for a few seconds.

27 Weeks

27 weeks and Baby is the size of rutabaga. I'm thinking I'm going to have to start buying some of these unique fruits/vegetables and cooking them to figure out what the heck they are. I admit I've never cooked (if that's even what you do with it) a rutabaga. Before you judge ... yes, I've bought last week's head of lettuce before. Anyway, the point here is that Baby keeps getting bigger and is starting to crowd my internal organs, namely ... my bladder. Awesome.

In the 27 week info, this week marks the start of brain activity. Perhaps now is the time to start playing some Mozart and Beethoven for Baby! Lucky for him/her I'll spare Baby my personal renditions of any concertos and stick to the real deal. I think it would have a negative effect on intelligence if I busted out my violin from yesteryear.

So every week when Aaron takes the bump picture, he snaps one before I'm ready which he thinks is hilarious and I think is annoying. The standard look for these is me caught hiking up my super sexy maternity pants with an equally attractive facial expression. As such, these are quickly deleted from the camera and banished from any record. But this week I anticipated his trickery and struck a less embarrassing pose. One we think actually turned out kind of cute. Behold...

Maybe I'll start getting sassy like this for more of these. Pregnant women have done crazier things!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

26 Weeks

I'm late posting this but rest assured, the picture was taken at exactly 26 weeks (panic attacks were moments away, I'm sure!). The pregnancy is continuing to go well and I'm still feeling great which I'm very thankful for. Baby is the size of a head of lettuce.

As these bullet points from indicate, Baby is starting to take breaths. Of fluid, not air of course, but it's a cool development piece to see. I think the whole respiratory process of developing babies is fascinating.....I mean it's like we pretty much start as fish and live in fluid. Then once we're born we start breathing in that necessary little thing known as oxygen. I remember Aaron and I asking the nurse practitioner about this at our 12 week appointment, both of us totally dumbfounded by how it works. We still are, and we're not on the verge of considering medical school by any means (this is a good thing for all humankind!), but it's fun to dive into more of what goes on in little Baby Bergill's development and life at this fetus stage.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Christmas Came Early

Thanks to Baby's sweet aunt Tina, Christmas has come early! She recently bid on a "Baby Things Giveaway" for a United Way raffle in Phoenix ... just for Baby Bergill ... and lo and behold she won. Which means we did too!

Check out this loot ...

Everything is still on display because we like looking at it when we pass by Baby's room. But I'm actually equally excited to put it away and now have a few things to occupy Baby's dresser that has been empty up to this point. The one drawer pulled out holds Baby's first drawers (diapers!). They are so tiny and cute. Is it wrong to be excited for them to be stinky and filled with Baby surprises in a few short months?!? Another thought I'm sure I'll laugh at once Baby is finally here.

Here are some close ups of all the goods. Books, booties, bottles, bath toys, burp cloths and more!

Moving down the row, we're smitten with the little bear hat and matching pants with bear booties. Then there are more onesies, a rattle, a receiving blanket and a cute striped onesie (you know how Mama loves me some stripes!).

Not done yet. Here's more burp cloths, bibs, baby powder and a sweet little long sleeve onesie. Love it all!

Thank you, thank you, thank you to Tina for thinking of us and sending such fun, cute baby things to keep our collection rolling. We feel like we just had an entire baby shower!!

Sunday, December 2, 2012

25 Weeks

25 weeks along and putting the bump out there loud and proud with this floral shirt. If a camera adds 10 pounds, I think this camera also added about 10 more colors and made them 10 shades darker. Whew! Busy shirt. But it was a bargain, so it will work for my growing tummy.

Moving on, Baby is the size of a cauliflower. I'm kind of in awe of that comparison again (like the cantaloupe last week), but I guess I shouldn't be surprised that Baby isn't getting any smaller. I'm including the picture of the Baby drawing again since these are becoming more fun to see. Baby is growing more fat (it's the Holidays after all!) and also hair. So I'm guessing our little hypothesis that the ultrasound was showing hair last week was probably wrong. Oops and oh well!

Also on the size of Baby, it was kind of eye opening during the ultrasound last week to grasp the range of space he/she is already occupying inside me. When the tech was looking at Baby's feet, the wand thing was way down by my right hip. Then to view the Baby's face, she moved the wand waaay up the other side of my body to just under my ribs. I know I'm stating such obvious things, but it was surreal to witness how much Baby has already grown and some days it still just doesn't seem real. But I guess all I have to do is try to button a regular pair of pants and I am quickly reminded of just how real this is!