Friday, October 19, 2012

19 Weeks

Cruising right along to 19 weeks. Notice the crazy change up in outfits - no cardigan. Gasp. I have not felt Baby move yet. The books and docs say that usually happens for the first time between 17 and 24 weeks, so I'm looking forward to that happening soon. We have our doctor appointment next week, but will wait to get the ultrasound at the appointment after that. Picture taken October 19, 2012 and Baby is the size of a mango!

In other news, Brianne is already 'nesting' and finishing up trim painting downstairs. I feel like I have been painting forever - probably because I have. I started the project about 2 weeks ago (on the heels of the upstatirs painting projects) and am hoping to wrap it up this weekend so we can move on to the actual fun part - Baby's room. I am definitely in the "honeymoon trimester" as they call it, and am taking advantage of feeling well and not being too big yet.

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