Tuesday, October 16, 2012

14 Weeks

We've started documenting "bump" progress! This is 14 weeks on September 14, 2012. Starting to show, but nothing too obvious. Baby Hill is the size of lemon, which is a far cry from the poppy seed we started with. Pants are getting tight but still fitting...for the most part.

Also around this time, we purchased our first "baby item" for Baby Bergill. It's the book, "Wumbers" which combines letters and numbers to make words ... perhaps a little advanced for a newborn, but nevertheless we bought it for Baby knowing eventually it would be fun to read/translate together. It was a unique find at "Zanbroz" in downtown Fargo and it represents Aaron's and my first time truly perusing a kid/baby section of a store with intention. We were also intrigued by the "old school" toys available, like a rotary phone, jack-in-the-box, xylephone, pick-up-sticks game, and other childhood favorites of ours. We will eventually need a few of these toys around so mom and dad can keep up (amidst other highly technical games and activities)! But for actual purchases we opted for just the book and hope it and many more become favorites of Baby Bergill.

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