Tuesday, October 16, 2012

16 Weeks

16 weeks along and starting to look pregnant. Picture was taken on September 28 and Baby is the size of an avacado. I've happily transitioned into maternity pants and am much more comfortable now. And while I don't have the picture to prove it (might be able to add later), Baby and Mom went cruising around in Bobcat equipment today. We had a Boot Camp (operation instruction for office dummies) on Friday and Baby and Mom dug lots of holes with excavators, pushed dirt with loaders, cruised around an obstacle course in a utility vehicle, and even operated a loader from outside the cab with a remote control. I can't be positive, but I think Baby Hill had lots of fun. Maybe that means it's a boy...who knows!

Also, on September 26 we had our 16 week Dr. appointment, which was also our first time meeting the doctor since our 12 week appointment was with the nurse practitioner. We'd heard great things about Dr. Dangerfield and he did not disappoint! He is of course an excellent doctor with all the right technical knowledge to keep us informed and healthy, but we appreciated his humor and personality too! He and Aaron hit it off quickly, connecting on basketball (through Aaron's reffing) and St. Johns. To the point where, while working to find baby's heartbeat and Brianne enthusiastically kept asking if "that was it?", he hushed me because he and Aaron were "talking sports." He continued, "Does she have to come to every appointment?" as though I'm interrupting their man time. At that point I was laughing too hard to hold still to hear the heartbeat, but we found it eventually. And it was 156 beats per minute, for anyone keeping track. That's down from 170 bpm at 12 weeks. Between that and a few other one liners, we look forward to him guiding us through this adventure. He will keep it real through it all!

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