Saturday, July 26, 2014

Graham's First Haircut

Drum roll please.....

Actually, the first haircut wasn't that dramatic. First of all - I did it. With nothing but a borrowed scissor and a YouTube instructional video. And it was a day-of decision to make it happen.

It all went down on March 2, 2014. Here's a quick before and after.

If it doesn't look all that obvious, maybe this next one will show you more of what we were dealing with at the start.

Graham did a great job screaming during the "before picture" to make it look as bad as possible. He has the right idea for a weight loss infomercial in the future...

So anyway - this was his look and it was just a few days before his 1 year pictures and birthday party. Mama made a fast decision to give him a trim since I didn't want to mess with trying to get an appointment that week. How hard could it be?

The best advice in the instructional video had nothing to do with the scissor and all to do with what snacks to provide your little person during the process. Yogurt puff things definitely kept the event from ending in bloodshed.

Do I look like I know what I'm doing? I don't.

I just held his hair in my fingers and snipped away, putting most focus on the long, uneven bangs and the behind-the-ears wing tips. It wasn't perfect, but not totally botched either.

We were both pleasantly surprised with the results.

Dad, the photographer, didn't get the memo that when I smile at the camera, I was thinking I could be in it.

Eh, who cares. Here's the real star of the show!

Mom, should I start styling it with your hairspray?

I think he likes his new look.

Once it was all done I of course wondered why I hadn't done it sooner. It definitely looked better and transitioned him into the little boy he is so quickly becoming. 

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