Sunday, July 27, 2014

12 Months Old

Whoa! The famously fast first year had come and gone on March 10. Even though we were prepping for a birthday party that upcoming weekend, we managed to snap a few 12 month photos and a one year photo all in time to display at the March 15 party.  It's July now and I just realized I didn't do the quilt and chair pictures. Good Lord, not that I care since the last 6 months' of them were fairly awful and I don't plan on doing anything with them. But suffer through all those and then miss the very last one? Sheesh.

Anyway, here are the few 12 month photos to round out the series.

And...that was pretty much it for good ones. Here are the other attempts.

 So focused.

Mom, you're bothering me.

Millie is such a good helper. 


I can get it!

Over it. Which is great since we still have a wardrobe change coming up.

Wait, one more of this sweet face before we move on.

And here are the ONE YEAR pictures. 

I love how these turned out. The background is a quilt my mom and I made for Graham's first birthday and it includes many of the fabrics featured in his monthly photos. As I say, it was "Pinterest-inspired" but "Grandma-executed." There's no way I could have pulled this together without her expertise. Squaring a block? What's that? I'll be over here rearranging the order of  the colors for the 17th time. Graham clearly loves it so we must have made a good team. 

Actually, he loves the bowl and spoon.

So here it is...the final product of this monthly chore tradition. I admit some months were easier than others to capture, but  looking now at this roll up of all his changes in a year, I say it was well worth it. 

Let's wrap with a baby butt picture though...

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