Tuesday, January 28, 2014

9 Months Old

On December 10 G-man turned 9 months old. This first picture tells me he's a little disgusted about this aging process.

Just kidding. He is thrilled about it!

Lots of "on the edge"' pictures in this shoot again as Graham is way more interested in crawling towards the camera than sitting still, crossing his hands and smiling for it.

He was distracted with some Christmas tinsel for awhile.

 Always with the tongue.

Back to big smiles. 

And innocent cuteness.

 Deep thoughts while standing. 

Hi Mom....

My onesie's a little baggy.

Kind of bored with this whole process.

For the wedding quilt portion, he managed to lie still for one shot. A smile would have been pushing it.

Happier once he wiggled up. 

And annoyed with the final requirement. 

Highlights as of the 9 month mark include:

  • First fruit
  • Gets from tummy to sitting position on his own
  • Loves to talk and say dada
  • Started reaching for us when we hold out our arms
  • Loves clapping his hands together
  • Started to pick up Cheerios and Puffs and put them in her mouth. 
  • Started crawling!
  • Finally stopped swaddling

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