Looking sporty in our Puma sweatsuit.
Oopsies - the puff is stuck to my face!
All bundled up (and thrilled) in our new reindeer hat from Grandpa Richard and Jan.
Checking out the Christmas lights in the backyard.
Standing in our car.
Playing at TNT Fitness for our friend Jake's birthday party. That's the birthday boy directly behind Graham. Jake was so sweet to take extra care with little Graham. I asked Jake to make sure Graham didn't crawl away/tip over so Jake wrapped his legs around Graham - just to be sure. :)
Helping dad get supplies from the brewery for the baby gate.
Helping mom get the repair supplies for the wall when the baby gate punctured through it. (Sooo not like the "fun" house projects of pre-baby life. But oh what a cute, new shopping partner I had to make it all worth it).
Staying contained in the bathroom (because the baby gate is broken) while mama gets ready. (Take note of the shirt Millie picked out for her brother).
Playing with our friend, Declan
December 14 - First time playing in the Wiggle Room at the downtown library. It was a fun, family Saturday (the first Aaron had completely off since August) and we're so glad we went to check out this place. We will definitely be regulars from now on (ahem...just scroll down a few more pictures).
Typical sleeping position--tummy down, rump up! Snuggling up with his favorite blanket that he nuzzles into every time he sees it at bedtime.
Playing with grandma.
My current favorite picture. Sigh...
So happy...playing with some wrapping paper.
Hi mom!
Back at the Wiggle Room with just mom. So much fun!
We played a little dress-up (sort of). Chef Graham!
Busy boy. The tongue indicates intense concentration.

Next up are pictures from Christmas as I slowly catch up on this poor, little hard-to-keep-up-on Blog.