Saturday, December 7, 2013

8 Months Old

On November 10, Graham turned 8 months old and that meant another exciting photo shoot.

I've known these shots would get more challenging as he got older, and this 8 month shoot officially brought us into a new realm. He spent a lot more time lunging towards the camera than propped up smiling for next month it might be a video shoot instead!

But we still managed to snap fast enough to capture a few of the smiles.

When we weren't lunging for the camera we played with our toys. 

And celebrated small victories. 

It wasn't all fun and games. 

But you gotta love this face. 

Followed quickly by this one.

And this one.

In the spirit of capturing time and milestones, we did a few that show off his new skill: Standing up (with help).

 Proud of himself.

Show off...


The wedding quilt and chair pics went pretty horribly by the end. If I'm being honest, I had reached new levels of sweating by this point and my patience was expired.

Proof of the disaster...

Graham was more interested in rolling over and sitting up. It's a small miracle he didn't roll off the bed.

And to wrap it up, he thought his name on his blanket was just plain stupid this time around.

But let's conclude with this happy face instead.  

Milestones and happenings this month include:
  • First airplane ride to Phoenix for Uncle Derek and Aunt Tina's wedding. First time in a restaurant high chair (the details I love to track...)
  • Likes to bang two toys or blocks together. 
  • Drinks water from a sippy cup and a regular cup (sippy is just much cleaner). 
  • Received flu shot. 
  • Pivots while sitting, lunges forward to reach for toys. 
  • First fruit - pears and mangos. 
  • Loves meeting new people and being in on the action. 
  • Got a double ear infection and bronchialitis.
  • Waking up once or twice per night. 
  • Met uncle Paul, Aunt Debora and cousin Len when they visited from Germany. 
  • Responds to his name (most of the time...)
  • Dressed up as a s'more for Halloween. 
  • Flaps his arms when he gets excited. Also loves to jump (especially when in your lap). 
  • Started to stand with help and is getting more and more sturdy. Likes to pull up with help. 
  • Started saying 'dada'.

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