Cool: Having a baby 4 days apart from one of your very best
Not cool: That friend moving across the country before your
babies are born.
Silver lining: Her roots are still in the Midwest and when
she comes home to visit her parents, I can drive just two hours to crash her
Graham finally got to meet Emily and Clara! On Thursday, May 30, Graham and I made a road trip to Watertown, SD to visit Emily, meet Clara
and chat about all things baby.
At the end of the day, Emily was kind enough to capture a few moments on camera for us. For most of the pictures, Clara was an awesome sport and hung out in the MobyWrap with her mom while she contorted into multiple positions to get the angle (an impressive sight). But Clara got to snuggle up next to Graham in a couple shots too.
Graham was mesmerized by his pretty, new friend. Look at her smile!
Me and my little man...
Smothered by my love. It's only the beginning my dear child.
Happy little guy.
Blue eyed boy...
A beautiful face, but also one that signals, "I'm done." :)

Thanks, Emily, for capturing these moments. I love them all, but especially those of Graham and mama. Will treasure them forever!
Pretty soon it was time to hit the road again. Of course the day went by too fast. But while it lasted it was so fun to change diapers, calm cries and clean up pukies with you. Life has certainly changed since late night nachos and interpretive dances on Elm Street! Wouldn't have it any other way...
Reality... (yes Graham and I are both in new clothes after getting covered in spit-up).
That's better least Emily and I looked at the camera.
Thank you for driving all the way to SD! Clara loved meeting you and Graham and I loved meeting him! Our Brown/Elm Street/3150 days are dear memories but I think this day and our mommy texts top them. Love sharing this experience with you even from 1000 miles away!!