Saturday, July 6, 2013


Graham was baptized on June 9 at First United Methodist Church in Fargo.

For the service, Graham was awake and happy leading up to the baptism. We were a little worried he would spit up on his gown, so he sported a bib while we waited. 

 All the waiting made Graham pretty sleepy, so he ended up sleeping through the whole process.

 But he didn't cry. He left that to mom.

Praying over little man. 

The whole crew. 

Parents and God parents. 

Our little family.

One cool thing about our church is for baptism, everyone gets a quilt and a faith chest. The faith chest comes in the form of a kit that a man from the congregation puts together. Then the parents assemble it. i.e. Aaron assembled it.

After the service we had lunch and cake at the house.All the grandparents pitched in to help with food which was really great. 

Grandma Ange sewed him his baptismal gown which was really special. Hopefully he's the first of many in the next hundred years to wear it. 

A little photoshoot in his gown (on his baptism quilt). 

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