Saturday, June 15, 2013

Maternity Leave Finale

All good things must come to an end. Unfortunately.

To wrap up my 12 weeks of maternity leave, I just tried to snuggle little man as much as possible and take a million pictures. 



 We enjoyed a few walks. 

My sweet, chubby, beautiful, chubby baby. 

We love baths too.

 Morning stretches

Oh, and Mindy and Leif came to visit.

  Sometimes we are crabby.

  But always cute

Snuggling in our owl blanket from Aunt Jeanette and Uncle Hoota. 

Wearing bibs a lot more often now if you hadn't already noticed. Graham spits up a good amount, so the bibs keep the outfit changes at least a little more manageable.

Enjoying his swing. 


I will miss these moments the most... 

Just about every color is represented here. 

I spy a puppy. Am going to miss her snuggles too. 

She's always in on the action. 

More fun on his activity mat. 


Waking up from a little doze...still so confused. 

To ease the pain of going back to work, I made this little collage of pictures to hang at my desk. It's no where close to as good as being with him, but it's the best I could do.

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