Friday, February 8, 2013

Little Laundry

As Baby's arrival draws near, we did a little laundry to get us one step closer to ready. I've never had more fun folding laundry ... and I expect I never will again. Fun to see all the tiny little things Bergill has already collected. 

Washed in nothing but the best of Dreft of course, which I already had on hand because (and I warn you that this is random) all my life my dad has preached that any wound or infection can be healed by soaking it in Dreft laundry detergent. Since I haven't nursed an ingrown toenail in awhile, there is plenty on hand. It reminds me of the movie "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" and how the dad fixes everything with Windex. Dreft is our Windex I guess ... and it works.

Anyway ... Baby's clothes and blankets are gently cleaned in the good stuff. Now we just need Baby to arrive and start wearing them. (But Bergill - please wait about a month! Mama isn't quite 100% ready, but I promise I will be very soon!) 

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