Monday, February 25, 2013

37 Weeks

37 weeks and Baby is fully cooked! By the looks of things, it looks like we'll have a healthy 10 pounder in there. But I reeeaallly hope Baby hangs more in the 7 to 8 pound range. Picture was taken February 22.

Baby's movement is becoming a little more ... shall we say, distracting? I still love feeling it, but with the space inside running out, those little movements are starting to cramp my style. As crazy as the feeling is, watching little Baby movements across my stomach is still even crazier. And even though Aaron has seen it before, until last night he had yet to witness the really BIG movements. As we were watching the Oscars, he finally saw the crazy "OMG your entire stomach just shifted" movements which was awesome. Noting the time of Baby's antics (about 10 or 10:30 p.m.), he sighed and said, "Oh no ... Baby is just like you getting way too much energy late at night." :) It is fair to say that Aaron is a "wind down as the day goes on" kind of guy while I have always found a second wind for vacuuming, dishes and house projects between the hours of 9:00 to 11:00 p.m.  Witnessing Baby's increased activity as the night went on, Aaron is now preparing himself for a couple of night owls in the house!

My other physical update worth noting is the beginning stages of swollen ankles and feet. It's nothing major, but as I've felt very fortunate to really not have any swelling to this point, it's another sign of the final stages. The little swelling happening now in February makes me even more grateful I'm not hitting this stage of pregnancy in the heat and humidity of July. Very excited for this Spring Baby!!

Oh, and it's worth noting (probably related to swollen ankles??), how ridiculously thirsty I get these days. Ice cold water is often the greatest thing in the world, particularly late at night and through the night. Each time I'm up to go to the bathroom at night I find great satisfaction in downing some cold water. Probably so Mother Nature can be sure I'm up again to go to the bathroom in another couple of hours. We wouldn't want to get too used to uninterrupted sleep this close to Baby's arrival! :) 

Baby is the size of a winter melon. Another comparison that doesn't really resonate with me, so I just translate it to - Baby is big! Baby weighs about 6.5 pounds, is about 19 inches long, and is considered full term.

Ooh, and how exciting according to the update below - Baby is making his/her first poop! Good thing we have lots of diapers awaiting Baby's arrival!


  1. well this is an exciting post for those of us who will be very preggo in July!!! HAHA! Maybe it will be a mild July??? So excited that it's almost time!

  2. and you look great by the way-rockin the baby bump!
