Sunday, December 16, 2012

27 Weeks

27 weeks and Baby is the size of rutabaga. I'm thinking I'm going to have to start buying some of these unique fruits/vegetables and cooking them to figure out what the heck they are. I admit I've never cooked (if that's even what you do with it) a rutabaga. Before you judge ... yes, I've bought last week's head of lettuce before. Anyway, the point here is that Baby keeps getting bigger and is starting to crowd my internal organs, namely ... my bladder. Awesome.

In the 27 week info, this week marks the start of brain activity. Perhaps now is the time to start playing some Mozart and Beethoven for Baby! Lucky for him/her I'll spare Baby my personal renditions of any concertos and stick to the real deal. I think it would have a negative effect on intelligence if I busted out my violin from yesteryear.

So every week when Aaron takes the bump picture, he snaps one before I'm ready which he thinks is hilarious and I think is annoying. The standard look for these is me caught hiking up my super sexy maternity pants with an equally attractive facial expression. As such, these are quickly deleted from the camera and banished from any record. But this week I anticipated his trickery and struck a less embarrassing pose. One we think actually turned out kind of cute. Behold...

Maybe I'll start getting sassy like this for more of these. Pregnant women have done crazier things!

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