Thursday, December 13, 2012

26 Weeks

I'm late posting this but rest assured, the picture was taken at exactly 26 weeks (panic attacks were moments away, I'm sure!). The pregnancy is continuing to go well and I'm still feeling great which I'm very thankful for. Baby is the size of a head of lettuce.

As these bullet points from indicate, Baby is starting to take breaths. Of fluid, not air of course, but it's a cool development piece to see. I think the whole respiratory process of developing babies is fascinating.....I mean it's like we pretty much start as fish and live in fluid. Then once we're born we start breathing in that necessary little thing known as oxygen. I remember Aaron and I asking the nurse practitioner about this at our 12 week appointment, both of us totally dumbfounded by how it works. We still are, and we're not on the verge of considering medical school by any means (this is a good thing for all humankind!), but it's fun to dive into more of what goes on in little Baby Bergill's development and life at this fetus stage.

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