Saturday, March 1, 2014

First Christmas(es)

Graham had a great first Christmas!

He got into unwrapping presents much more than I anticipated and it was lots of fun to see him get in on the action.

First up - Christmas at daycare.


Graham definitely took a leadership position with his friends when opening the present we gave to his "Kuddly Koalas Baby Room."

"Here, guys - let me show you. It's best if you stand on the present and then tear."

Oooh, ahhhh.

Posing by the Christmas background.


On Christmas Eve, we put on our Christmas sweater and went to Mass with Grandma and Grandpa Hill and Auntie Chelsey. He did really well through the whole service - never cried once!

4 generations picture back at Grandma and Grandpa's.

Family picture. (could he look any cuter smiling for this picture? Sigh...)

He loved Grandma's special decoration with dancing penguins and snowmen.

And unwrapping presents. How awesome to get new sweatpants and St. John's gear. Daddy was sooo proud!


Let's not forget how fun the ribbon is.

Until he lost his patience. 

Time for Christmas PJs.

Mini Mike.... :)

Special snuggles with Grandma.

Next up was a road trip to Owatonna for Christmas Day with the extended Paukert family.

Our happy traveler.

Perhaps the coolest part of Christmas with the extended family was how much Graham's second cousin, Charlie, loved him. Charlie lit up with a big smile when Graham came into the room, giving him lots of hugs and kisses. So.darn.cute.

Family picture at the hotel. 

The next day we stumbled upon a Christmas bonus and got to visit both Clara Griffith and Deacon Schema - two babies born within days of Graham whose parents are dear friends of mama's from college and now live too far away for regular visits. Of course I forgot to take pictures with Deacon. But we got a few with Clara!

We met up with Emily and Clara at a coffee shop in the cities. The babies had fun chasing each other around with their speedy crawling skills.

A great picture? No. A great time anyway? Yes! Always fun to get to see these two. 

Trying to get Graham to smile. Not falling for it.

Clara loves her tongue (and her mama) too!

The Christmas joy continued the next weekend with Christmas at the farm.

Opening presents.

Checking out my new sled with Grandpa. 

 I like it.

Correction. I LOVE it! 

Somewhere between all the Christmases we attempted a little bit of Christmas at home. Graham was a little underwhelmed with it.

He literally rammed into the chair when crawling... :)

Loves to stand against the coffee table.

Now we're talking, mom. Presents!

Just cute.

One more Christmas to go...Christmas with Uncle Eric and Grandma!

Grandma reading me my new book from Great Aunt Kay in Florida. 

 Uncle Eric got me a "My First Tractor" book to help me start learning all about farming.

Staying in the farm theme, here's my new barn animal puzzle.

Fascinated with the new race track toy. 

Graham says thank you to all his special grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends for helping him have such a great First Christmas. He is such a loved little boy!

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